Tuesday, October 21, 2008

steroid in the news

steroids should not be allowed in any sport at any level. it wouldnt make sense busting your butt for hours working out trying to get better when u can just inject yourself once in a while and get the same or even better results. i am very strong on this particular topic because i am an athlete myself. when season comes along, i spend hours of training and sweat and pain everyday to get better at my sport and improve at every competition i compete at. people that uses steroids are just cheaters who are scared to feel pain and are too lazy to work hard so they just take the easy way out! and to my understaning anabolic steroids are illegal so even if you take them you are breaking the law!!!! if you want to be an athlete, have some guts and go out there and work hard.
not to mention how steroids are bad for your health and causes a lot of mood swings and different type of physical changes. i just wish people would stop using steroids and i wish i could stop hearing proffessional athletes being suspended because they got caught using it! that is the worst example to kids that want to be just like them!!!

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