Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In The news saving jobs

there are several ways to help save jobs. when in need of money to save jobs, there always ways u can gain the money. for example, a business can do a fundraiser of some sort and wish for the best that they will get the sufficient amount of money that they would need.

the average worker can often have the best perspective on a company’s health and the overall business environment. Keep reading for the top layoff signal.
Think about it. If you’re in sales, you have day-to-day knowledge of the health of your company’s initiatives. If you’re in customer service then you would know - before anyone else - that your last product release was buggy as hell and people are switching to your competitor in droves. If you’re in HR, then you probably would get first word of hiring freezes. and if you know that you might be on the list of being let go start searching for another job that hopefully will pay the same amount you are being paid now

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