Tuesday, October 21, 2008

steroid in the news

steroids should not be allowed in any sport at any level. it wouldnt make sense busting your butt for hours working out trying to get better when u can just inject yourself once in a while and get the same or even better results. i am very strong on this particular topic because i am an athlete myself. when season comes along, i spend hours of training and sweat and pain everyday to get better at my sport and improve at every competition i compete at. people that uses steroids are just cheaters who are scared to feel pain and are too lazy to work hard so they just take the easy way out! and to my understaning anabolic steroids are illegal so even if you take them you are breaking the law!!!! if you want to be an athlete, have some guts and go out there and work hard.
not to mention how steroids are bad for your health and causes a lot of mood swings and different type of physical changes. i just wish people would stop using steroids and i wish i could stop hearing proffessional athletes being suspended because they got caught using it! that is the worst example to kids that want to be just like them!!!

paper 1 paper 2???

i do not understand what specifically is due tommorrow, i thought we were working on paper 2? can someone help

Q A R 5

from what i say in the passage on how Murray indentifies the certain information, audience, form, structure, developement, dimension, and voice for writers to examine when critically reading their drafts I would change my essay by including more information to try and get the readers to imagine in their head what they are reading. i believe now that if you can get someone to imagin and picture in their head what is being read, you did your job as a writer. there probably wont be any additional changes as I read the essay aloud to myself. the rest of the information influences me and the writing cuz it gives a strobger source of where the information is coming from

Monday, October 20, 2008

journal entry 7

In this essay, Orwell suggests that the English language is on the decline because the people who use English are misusing the language. What sort of things does he mention as proof that the English language is in trouble?
he mentions that the english language is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and the example he uses is about how A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks. It is rather the same thing that is happening to the English language. It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts.
Orwell wrote this essay almost 60 years ago. Do you think the English language is in a better or worse condition than when Orwell wrote his essay? Can you think of modern examples of how people misuse language?
there is a lot of slang used now in days, and unfortunately that has become the every day language. furthermore, people are writing just as they speak and because of that they write ppor papers. another big difference is that stories and articles are now easier to read, unlike 50 years ago when they used advanced vocabulary and grammar.

What do you think of Orwell’s list of rules to improve your writing?
it really just depends what and for who you are writing for. if writing to a business or for a college proffessor or something in office it is best to use big words if able to put, its better to use a scientific word or somehting like that to show your expanded vocabulary and knowledge. it really just depends.

Orwell wrote the following in the provided excerpt:
Probably it is better to put off using words as long as possible and get one's meaning as clear as one can through pictures and sensations. Afterward one can choose -- not simply accept -- the phrases that will best cover the meaning, and then switch round and decide what impressions one's words are likely to make on another person.
What do you think he means when he suggests that one should focus on "pictures and sensations" before one sits down to put words on the page? Have you ever done this? Does it help you write better?
i believe he means to have a picture in ure head of what you are about to write. say your writing a story about what you would do if you were elected as an official. before you write it you want to imagine in your head actually doing and what you think will be peoples reactions to your decision.therefore that becomes easier to include imagery in your writing. i have done it before and it totally helped my writing

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

questions i answered from LisaWikner's project draft

What do you think of the topic? The topic is a good one to have a discussion but i see a lot of difficulty on writing a whole paper on this.
Do you think it's right that people who have got a lot money should get a lot more, while people who haven't got a lot of money don't get more?Some people that has a lot of money and only gets more is because they work very hard to earn it, and if they have a successful business thats only getting better and it's because of them, then i do think they deserve more money. MEanwhile, the poeple that dont get a lot of money are just going to have to find a way to get another job or something to be able to get more money.Usually its not easy to get money and it needs sacrifices and hard work to just get enough to eat. thats just life!
Do you believe that the rich get ritcher and the poor keep getting poorer?i cant answer this question because i dont know much about how the economy is affecting the rich and how it is affecting the poor....sorry

project 2 draft nba rule Bryan Astudillo

The sport of basketball has been one of the greatest sportw made in the United States. Over the past years, the sport has evolved into a world wide sport with every country now having a competative team. Here in the United States, we have the Nba ( National Basketball Association). The dream of a lot of kids is to o ne day be a star in the NBA while making millions. However, there are restrictions now to those that want to accomplish their dream and goals of becoming a NBA player early. Those restrictions deal with the NBA draft.
The NBA Draft is an event where a lot of kids sit and wait to hopefully hear their names be called to become part of a proffessional basketball team. The NBA Draft is an event that can turn a struggling team upsidedown. Athletes after a year of college can have their dream come true. BUT WAIT!!! A YEAR OF COLLEGE????? What if I'm ready to go right after high school? What if college is just not for me. What if basketball is all I'm good at? NBA responds; TOO BAD!
The NBA rule is, to be eligible for the NBA draft, you have to at least have a year of college under your belt. However, a lot of atheltes question the rule because they feel it is a waste of time and money to go to college knowing that they are not going to complete the full four years. The question in a lot of people's minds is, is it like this in every sport?
Major League Baseball (MLB) drafts a lot of theri players from highschool while still playing their senior year. They can decide to go with the team and join the teams minor league system, or they can decide to go to college and p lay for the team there.
Soccer has no age limit when it comes to signing players. There has been a lot of occasions where a club team will sign a ten year old onto their team. Just four years ago, a MLS soccer team signed a fourteen year old named Freddy Adu with a contract that was worth more than 100 million dollars. Over the seas in Europe, they are known to give that amount of money to kids that havent reached double digits in age.
Whay has the NBA always had the rule and not give the opportunity for a younger player to turn pro? Well, It hasnt always been this way. A few years ago, players were allowed to enter the NBA draft and some of them actually have become the face of the NBA.
Things still needed to discuss:
Briefly talk about the careers of Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, and Kevin Garnett.
Possibly mention the NBA's reason why the rule was made.
Talk more about how college is not for everyone and if a rule like that was made it should be for staying all four years, not just one.
WHat else can i add to my list of :things still needed to discuss?
Is there anything i can fix with what i already have written?
Is it more important to talk about the success of people that started playing out of high school or talk about the belieif of athletes that say going to college is a waste of time and not for them?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

racial question blog

I believe that it could not have been a racial act. Now in days when news breakout that a white cop killed a black suspect, they immidiately start assumming and charging the case as a racial one. My theory about those cases are is that someone can not become racist over night, they have to be racist for a long time. Therefore people that has worked with him or hangs around with him should have the idea and knowledge that he is a racist. There has been no accusations of that from them yet. So if the people that see him at a regular bases hasnt come up saying hes a racist, how can an ordianry stranger just come out and say, oh wait he shot a black person, hes a racist! i just think people that their first thought about these cases are that its was racism should go get a life!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

journal 6

Interview one or more people about this myth. For example, I could easily go out and ask people about whether they believe everyone should go to college and why they believe as they do. Post transcripts (the interviews word for word) or a summary of your findings to your blog.

Question: Do you believe woman should be just housewives? Why or Why not?

Iran Hollis- i believe women should decide if they want to stay home or not. They can become very bored at home, and going out and working will distract them and they can have money forthemselves to buy clothes and jewlery for themselves.

Jimmy Mooney- I believe women has the choice of what they want to do because we live in america. there is a reason why we are a free country and women have the right to b a full time worker if they choose to be.

Freddy Alcantara- I think that woman should stay home and take care of the household. Usually the men earn enough money to pay the bills and pay for food etc., so I would want to have nice hot dinner when i get home from work and when we have children I would like the mother to be home taking care of them 24/7 not just any nanny or babysitter. i guess there is an exception when the guy can not come close to earning the money they need, so if its a neccesity that wife have to work than be it, but if not the wife whould stay at home.

questions for active reading page 233

1. I believe the wall that is being divided is the wall being built for his daughter, but it represents a final thought on what the father taught him and what he meant to Saunders. I dont believe it is a clear message but it is what i believe the message is. I believe he writes that in the end to show and explain what his dad would have said in the certain moment to represent that the dad was in his mind and thoughts, but in the end just picked up the tools and continued building that wall.

2. The Chronological order in the essay is from the after time that the dad died, to when the grandfather had just gotten married, to when Scott saw his dad work with the tools and started practicing himself to back to after the dad dying to when he first heard that the father died. It explains events that occur during the time he is talking about for example the grandfather's wedding, or the gerbil getting lost behind a wall.

3.I believe dawn stones are stones used in early history to build or repair things. What this represents is the hammer has been along for so long in their family but it hasnt changed its purpose, it wouldve the done the same exact things as if the dawn stone was what was passed down to the generation.