Thursday, September 25, 2008

ine the news- splenda

There are always going to be various articles about the thought of what Splenda is going to do to you. however there will usually be one constant argument of what Splenda really will do to you. should we trust what we read? there really is no way for us to test what Splenda really does to you(unless you have your own little science lab in your house), therefore we have to trust the opinion of the scientists and experts that came out with the explanation of what Splenda really does. and the only way we really are going to find out if its true is when we take the Splenda we see the results after in our own body. The one thing i do have to say though is not everything reacts the same with everyone. The scientists might be right on what Splenda really does, but everybody is different and one person might not get the affect that Splenda is suppose to give however that does not mean that the scientists were not telling the truth. It just means that the person didn't react like it was suppose to.
I probably use Splenda about 3-4 tomes a day with the drinks I consume during the day. When I drink coffee that number will usually double to about 6-7 Splenda in a day, it really just depends if I drink coffee or not.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

journal entry 5

Read Judy Syfers’ essay, "Why I Want a Wife" (available on WebCT under "Course Documents") before answering the following questions:
This essay was written in 1971. What types of duties does Syfers describe as being performed by wives? To what degree do you believe these are still done primarily by women? Have these or other things about the husband/wife relationship changed in the last 37 years? The duties descibed in this essay is the wife being responsible in about everything including children care, husband care, food, cleaning, planning of socail affairs, and all this while also working and paying for a lot of things. i beleive the the the wife no in days still do most of the cooking, cleaning, and childcare, but a lot of responsibilities that wifes had to respond for before, husbands are stepping up and taking care of that. In the last 37 years the hisband/wife relationship have completely changed. Most families now share the responsibilities equally. You will even see the guy stay home and do all the housework and childcare, and the wife going to work everyday.
How would you describe Syfers’ writing style? Does she do things you would typically avoid in your own writing? Syfers' writing style is very simple. He is just repeating i want a wife..... there is no difficulty and it probably is the writing style that elementary kids can probably understand easily. I would avoid most of his writing style. Usually i avoid the "I" in my papaers, he uses it in every sentence. i would make my paper in a more difficult language.
Syfers was reacting to a social structure that she felt at the time was unfair. What types of injustice or unfairness do you see in the world nowadays that you think should be addressed? Syfers implies that men benefit from the servile position of women in the family. Who benefits from the injustices you see active in the world today? I think the biggest injustice is the dicrimination for the gays and lesbians. i believe we are all people and we all have feelings. What is so wrong two people falling in love with each other and wanting to spend theri lives together forever? I believe no one benefits from injustice because when discrimination is showed riots are formed and damages are usually made which causes money. So for example if the government decide that gays will not be allowed to be seen in public, there is a great possibility that there will be a huge riot with the people throwin things at government buildings, breaking things in the street, etc. and all that will cause the government money.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

cancer blog response

There is up to a certain age when parents should be making the important decisions in their children's life. I believe that age is under 18 years old. If there is speculation that the child might have cancer, i believe it is the parents right to have their child checked. Cancer is a very deadly thing, and when not treated right it can immediately just get worst. There will be teenagers out there that if the decision was up to them, they would just be too scared to do it, or sometimes even pride would make them not go get tested. That's when a bad decision is made and in the future when their condition gets worst theyre going to regret not doing the examination. After 18 years of age, they are an "adult" now so they make their decion but hopefully with some advice from parents. But parents should be able to test their children because with early detection it will be cured easily instead of waiting and it spreading out and not having any cure in the future.

questions for active reading page 108

1. creativity comes crom creative types- most managers single out the people they believe have creativity and those they believe dont. in reality anyone with normal inteligence have creativity in them and can be useful in giving ideas and options.
money is a creativity motivator- money becomes something that everyone wants, therefore they become more interested in what they do so that in the end they are acknowledged as the best and recieve a reward. Money makes people work harder and all that creates successful results.
time pressure fuels creativity- when time pressure is involved, creativity is shown less. the only way there can be good creativity in a short period of time is to make sure that the worker is isolated from all distractions and just concentrating on his task.
fear forces breakthroughs- the idea that sad, angry, depressed people are more creative is false. usually people that are happy one day comes to work the next day with posistive and creative thoughts and ideas.
competition beats collaboration- competition kills creativity. it is better to work as a team and share ideas.
a streamed organization is a creative organization- when a downsizing is occuring, people seem to worry more about the uncertainty of their future and that causes creativity to plumit dramatically.
2. Teresa's design was to give projects to 238 people from seven companies and writing journals describing everyday's work and work enviorment. The study was designed to look at creativity in the wild. It was basically meant to see how people react to creative projects with different situations, distractions, and enviorments. I really do not see anything suprising about the way she carried her research. What she couldve probably done is tested less people and maybe be physically present at the jobs and observe personally the envoirment and the reaction because an email describing the enviorment may not be the most accurate source.
3. I believe the audience to this article are job companies. Every example used in the article was in a job setting and it showed ways how people can improve in creativity in the workplace, no where else.

journal entry 4

COMP 1000 – Journal Entry #4
Read the Bartholomae excerpt (available on WebCT under "Course Documents") before answering the following questions:
What does Bartholomae mean when he says that students must "invent the university" when they write in college? When bartholomae means when he says "invent the university" is to make sure to write the essay with characteristics that the school is probably known for. He mentions that the writer has to learn to speak the university's language and speak as they do. I believe that another good way to "invent the university" is to include experiences and inspirations that the university might be well known for. For example, if your dream has always been to be a musician, and the university is known for their music program, why not add something about the hope of you becoming a musician one day.
What does Bartholomae suggest is a way for students to become "insiders" within academic discourse? Students need to learn is to extend themselves into the commonplaces, set phrases, rituals, gestures, habits of mind, tricks of persuasion, obligatory conclusions, and necessary connections that determine the "what might be said" and constitute knowledge within the various branches of our academic community.
Summarize some of the differences between the two examples of student writing that Bartholomae examines, and Bartholomae’s opinion of these examples. When it comes to the football sock essay, the language that is probably expected in the university isn't reached, while in the music essay the language spoken in it sounds more proffessional and probably what the university expects out of their students. Bartholmae's opinion about creativity shows that the musician is a better example of creativity then the football player and due to the prompt that the university gave, the more evidence of creativity that is shown the better the student "invents the university".

Thursday, September 18, 2008

cloning blog response

There are people out there that believe that unborn children are nothing. There is belief that hey, they aren't born so if we get rid of them we really are not killing anything. I first have to say that is completely wrong and unhumane. Just because children arent born that does not mean that there is no life in it. An embryo is as much a baby as one born!!!!
now the opinions about cloning. I believe that cloning should be only used for medical purposes. As in medical purposes i mean, cloning a heart so that when someone needs a heart transplant there is one ready for them. Cloning should not be used for anything else but to safe a life!
Therefore, to sum up the question asked, i believe stem cells from embryos should be allowed to be cloned for medical purposes. Taking stem cells from an actual embryo is an act of murder in my opinion because you are taking life away from the world. I am really strong about not taking the life away from someone that can't fight back. With cloning stem cells, we might be abkle to save thousands of lives with that one baby still growing in its mom and getting ready to come out and face the real world!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

in the news #2 mexican border

To build this fence on the Mexican border, i would give the 400 million dollars to make it. I prefer knowing that we give them a certain amount of money to spend on the fence, then to just say use the money that's left and we not know how much they will spend. If we just tell them to use whats left, they can take advantage of that and go past the 400 million. With us giving them a certain amount, we tell them this is what you have and if you go over it that's just too bad! So like that we wont go into a deeper economic hole.
Another thing though, i do not believe half a fence costs 400 million. If possible we will give them less money and just tell the government to work with that.
This fence is said to be built for preventing terrorist attacks, but i believe that it's just another way to have all the immagrants out of the country because Bush is known to want to happen.
Blocking the mexican border is not a high priority right now in this country, we have to worry about more important things like education and medicine.