Thursday, December 11, 2008

: Journal Entry #9

image 2

1. theres a lot of pollution going into the air

2. theres a lot of pollution going into the air because of its factories

3. there is a lot of pollution because of all the factories making accessories such as purses and dog bags.

image 7

1. drink with responsibility
2. drink with reponsibilty and dont drive while the influence
3. driving while under the influence can easily lead to death

Questions for Active Reading (p. 371 and 385)

Page 371
I believe that the technique of reading the first and last paragraphs in an some-what effective way to get fast and easy information out of an essy or writing, because an effective writer will write their important arguments in those two paragraphs. It is important to know that Lightman is a scientist because his theory of the Earth and its shape would be different than his fellow scientists. An artist or social worker may or may not agree on the shape of Earth although the one that has more rescources to come to a decision like this one is indeed the scientist. In the examples his lighthearted tone was a sarcastic term that shows that he is jealous or has envy towards what others did and what he could not accomplish.

Page 385
Facts that Gould provesd and can be used as evidence to support the theory of evolution are," Perfection covers the tracks of past history, and past history the evidence of descent is our mark of evolution. Lies exposed in the imperfections that record a hitory of descent fossils that are not common, and should not be. Evidence of this can be found in Paragraphs seventeen and eighteen. The sets up his1981 essay by explaining and or showing something that is really important for him and for the person that was in this part of history along with him.

Questions for Active Reading (p. 73)

Pg. 73

1. Smiley belived that it is not what you are forced to do by your parents its more of what you want to do that makes you into a better worker. She describes this by showing that she loved doing all the hard work for taking care of the horses. That impact would be significant to the story , it would make the purpose of the writting.
2. Her evidence is house chores or her husband. Her husband would wish he wasnt doing thoughs chores and dream that he was finished or do something else. Smiley was loving her horse chores and gettin joy out of doing all the hard work. No she is not athouritative she is informing us of her opinion and how chores worked for her. Smiley's audience is the intetion of gettin the parents to stop puttin chores on the children and sooner or latger they will find to do it themselves.
3. She uses the rehitroical questions to get the audiences mind thinking about how chores that are forced do no good for the work job and showing not so good work ethic doesnt build a better person. Her questions got my minf thinking and showed me her point of view and i do agree with it

journal entry 2

The essays that i perfered reading were Caring Makes Us Human and Follow the Laughter. I found them both interesting because they talked about love and care, and also joy and happieness. The type of story that Caring Makes Us Human uses to showcase what they believed in was a story about an inmate who found a cat and he felt that the cat represented joy and happyness in the cell and helped his inmates for once to do the kind and well doing.

The type of story that Follow the Laughter uses to showcase their belief is a story of laughter and happiness that brought everyone together. her ex-husband was mentioned in the story and how they use to be happy together and always smiling and when that feature of the marriage went away they ended up getting a divorce. Caring makes Us Human is serious, While the tone of Follow the Laughter is reflective. The essays are simular because they both look back and see differences from the past. The essays differ because they both have different tones. One essay is serious and the other is all the way reflective. the theme i probably would want to write about is happyness and laughter.

Questions for Active Reading (p. 13 and p.19)

Page 13
The purpose that I think Powell had in mind while writing was racism is wrong. He tries to accomplish this by letting racism be motivation for him. Like when he talked about the time he was at a resturant and the waiter said, " Look I'm from New Jersey, I don't understand this but they will not let me serve you. Why don't you go behind the resturant, and I'll pass you a hamburger out the back window." He snapped because of this because he had never seen this before. I believe that the audience that he had in mindwhile writing was young children of all races. I believe that Powell is a very strong man, who sticks up for his thoughts and feelings. He does not do wrong, but he will not take wrong from others. i respect for what he believes in and instead of taking other peoples crap he stood up for himself.

Page 19
The purpose that I believe Goldberg had in mind while writing was talking about, or using a student who had really good writing topics in her class as an example. The audience that I think she had in mind while writing was other student that she was trying to motivate to have better writing habits. Her subject is the student with the best writing habits. Her attitude toward the student is very nice because she admirers her.

jornal entry 1

In reflecting on one of my past assignments I realized that the situation that made me want to respond in writing was situations i have gone throught with people i care about that made me mad, and that I had some stuff to say in writing that I could not say in person. writing was easier for me to express my thoughts and explain what was going through my mind at that time. The type of genre that I used was Contemporary Life and Problems because i know im not the only one with problems and i wanted to let them know that. And yes I do feel as if I accomplished this purpose. The type of context and culture that I used was "new age slang".